This post will detail the steps to setup Clojure and GraalVM to generate native executable. I used a similar approach when creating my project cljcc. It has a few extra steps on on top of generating a native image, but this post will have just the minimum things required to build uberjar and generating image.
Requirements #
Project Structure #
├── build.clj
├── deps.edn
├── src
│ └── demo
│ └── core.clj
└── target
The demo/core.clj
file simply prepends "Hello"
to the first argument, and prints to stdout.
(ns demo.core
(defn -main [& args]
(println (str "Hello " (first args))))
The :gen-class
is necessary, as this informs the build process to generate a Main entrypoint for the Java program. Without :gen-class
, although a uberjar will be built,
the native image generation will fail with the below error.
Error: Main entry point class 'demo.core' neither found on
classpath: '/home/shagun-agrawal/Development/setup-clj-graalvm/target/demo.core-1.0.0-standalone.jar' nor
modulepath: '/home/shagun-agrawal/.sdkman/candidates/java/23-graalce/lib/svm/library-support.jar'.
Internal exception:$UserException: Main entry point class 'demo.core' neither found on
classpath: '/home/shagun-agrawal/Development/setup-clj-graalvm/target/demo.core-1.0.0-standalone.jar' nor
modulepath: '/home/shagun-agrawal/.sdkman/candidates/java/23-graalce/lib/svm/library-support.jar'.
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
Below is the deps.edn
file. It has an extra alias for nrepl.
{:paths ["src"]
:deps {com.github.clj-easy/graal-build-time {:mvn/version "1.0.5"}}
{:run-main {:main-opts ["-m" "demo.core"]}
:build {:deps {io.github.clojure/ {:git/tag "v0.10.6" :git/sha "52cf7d6"}}
:ns-default build}
:nrepl {:extra-deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "1.3.0"}
cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.50.2"}
refactor-nrepl/refactor-nrepl {:mvn/version "3.10.0"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "nrepl.cmdline" "--interactive" "--color" "--middleware" "[cider.nrepl/cider-middleware,refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor]"]}}}
Adding aliases to deps.edn
can be managed using a tool called neil.
I found about this tool from Developer Tooling for Speed and Productivity in 2024 | Vedang Manerikar.
I earlier used to rely on Doom Emacs cider-jack-in-clj
function, which starts a clojure REPL automatically and connects to it, but I wasn’t aware of how it works ( for e.g. the command lines options being passed etc ).
Starting up a repl in different shell and connecting to it from my editor is much simpler.
It also makes it editor agnostic, as the setup for starting a REPL is present in the deps file itself
The above video also includes setup for logging, flowstorm debugger, documentation, project structure etc.
Use clj -M:nrepl
to start the server. I then use Doom Emacs cider-connect
function to attach to it.
Building Uberjar #
(ns build
(:require [ :as b]))
(def lib 'demo.core)
(def version "1.0.0")
(def class-dir "target/classes")
(def uber-file (format "target/%s-%s-standalone.jar" (name lib) version))
;; delay to defer side effects (artifact downloads)
(def basis (delay (b/create-basis {:project "deps.edn"})))
(defn clean [_]
(b/delete {:path "target"}))
(defn uber [_]
(clean nil)
(b/copy-dir {:src-dirs ["src" "resources"]
:target-dir class-dir})
(b/compile-clj {:basis @basis
:ns-compile '[demo.core]
:class-dir class-dir})
(b/uber {:class-dir class-dir
:uber-file uber-file
:basis @basis
:main 'demo.core}))
Run clj -T:build uber
, which generates a jar file under /target
java -jar ./target/demo.core-1.0.0-standalone.jar World
Hello World
To automate the creation of a new application, take a look at deps-new. It automatically sets up a deps.edn
and build.clj
file. and has aliases for starting repl, building uberjar etc.
The deps.edn
file also has a dependency on graal-build-time. Adding it to deps adds this library to classpath.
clj -Spath # without adding library in deps.edn
clj -Spath # after adding library in deps.edn
Without this dependency, the generated jar after the build also has differences.
jar tf demo.core-1.0.0-standalone.jar | grep '/' | cut -d'/' -f1 | sort -u # without dep
jar tf demo.core-1.0.0-standalone.jar | grep '/' | cut -d'/' -f1 | sort -u # with dep
The native image commands needs to initialize .class
files at build time. To automatically identify which files needs to be initialized,
library will detect .class
files, and uses the feature flag ( mentioned in the below command ) to mark them to be initialized at build time.
Generate Native Image #
native-image -jar target/demo.core-1.0.0-standalone.jar -o target/demo -H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces --features=clj_easy.graal_build_time.InitClojureClasses --report-unsupported-elements-at-runtime --verbose --no-fallback
This generates an executable at /target/demo
./target/demo "World"
Hello World
Alias for adding Flowstorm #
I couldn’t find the command in neil which adds flowstorm alias to a project. The below alias will setup nREPL and flowstorm.
:storm {;; for disabling the official compiler
:classpath-overrides {org.clojure/clojure nil}
:extra-deps {io.github.clojure/ {:mvn/version "0.10.3"}
nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "1.3.0"}
cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.50.2"}
refactor-nrepl/refactor-nrepl {:mvn/version "3.10.0"}
com.github.flow-storm/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.4-1"}
com.github.flow-storm/flow-storm-dbg {:mvn/version "4.0.1"}}
:jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.storm.instrumentEnable=true"
:main-opts ["-m" "nrepl.cmdline" "--interactive" "--color" "--middleware" "[flow-storm.nrepl.middleware/wrap-flow-storm,cider.nrepl/cider-middleware,refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor]"]}
Use clj -M:storm
to start a nREPL session with flowstorm. Evaluate :dbg
in the REPL to launch the debugger.
Refer Flowstorm Documentation on how to use the debugger.